I'm going to interrupt our normal posts with a handmade Halloween costume, because I'm just that proud of it.
About two weeks before Halloween, Mike and I decided to head up to a Halloween party in Michigan. Frantic brainstorming for costumes began, and Mike popped out the idea, "Let's go as Facebook and Twitter!" Awesome. Unfortunately, I ended up having to work, so I could go to the party, but I still managed to whip together a Facebook costume for Mike in one night. I don't have "in process" pictures, but it should be pretty simple to follow along anyway.
For the front, I chose to use the Facebook icon logo. I used a 12"x12" square of blue felt for the back, and white felt for the front. I drew the "f" by hand on a piece of card stock, using a ruler to get my lines straight and referring constantly to the computer to make sure I got the dimensions right. Then I cut out my cardstock "f" and traced around it on the felt using my disappearing ink marker (seriously, the best tool ever). Cut out the "f", pinned it, and then veerrryyy carefully sewed the two pieces together. I have a big problem with sewing curves, so I went very slowly. Then I pinned the whole icon down and carefully sewed it to the shirt.
For the arms I just used a ever-useful Sharpie and carefully copied down the "Information" column from Mike's profile (sorry for the covered information), and the side column from the main page. I tried to pay close attention to the details to make it more realistic.
The blue band at the top of the front and back is spray paint. I just taped off the lines I wanted and covered the rest of the shirt with newspaper. I should have been a little more careful taping down the newspaper in the front, because some of the paint got through, but it's not too noticeable.
The white text and "News Feed" were done with puffy paint straight from the bottle. I tried to use only a small amount so it would be more 'flat paint' than puffy paint. The rest is more sharpie. I sent Mike off with keychain sharpies so people at the party could write their own status updates. Mike says everyone loved it, and the shirt came back covered, so I must have done something right!
Have a great week,
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